Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012...

 It's that last day of 2012.
So I decide to go back to my goals post from January 2012
just to see how I progressed.
How I did...

So let's see...

1.  Working towards a life I love?
This will be a forever work in progress.
I had many steps forward and, of course, many steps back.
But I continue to head in the right direction.
 One thing is for certain...
I am blessed!
Tremendously blessed!
I love my life!
2.  Create more often?
Get Messy?
Play with clay?
Sadly no on ALL of these...
The desire is still present.
So these will roll over to 2013's list of things to enjoy!

3.  Get my business up and running full steam ahead?
My labels were finally finished!
They took much much longer that I would have ever expected!!
A sweet angel stepped forward and offered her help
in finishing them up when my designer check out.
They are gorgeous and my new brand looks so strong!
I created jewelry I love!
Did three AWESOME shows!
Two awesome open houses!
Three new wholesale accounts!
 Advertised in FOLK magazine.
It was a good start...excited to see where 2013 takes Star Hitched Wagon.
4.  Judge less - love more?
Something that will need to be worked at
on a daily basis.

5.  Kick my ego to the curb?
Good days and bad days. 
6.  Get real - see the truth - be true?
good days and bad days.
Really liked that I had this to focus on. 
Was a useful tool in many situations...
snapped me back to reality.

7.  Make friends?
I need to really work on putting myself out there.
 Over the year I realized just how bad I am about keeping the walls up.
Accepted that I am responsible for how this one turns out.
Also...something very important that I MUST mention.
I am BLESSED with a very awesome large family!
 So this means I have many BEST friends!

8.  Yoga, running, walking, lifting or elliptical every single day of the week??
Ha ha...
Not even close.
Plenty of those things existed.
Not even close to every day of the week.

9.  Run a marathon?
 And it was awesome!

10.  Yell less?
Probably not.

11. Be happy, smile and laugh and sing and dance?  ALOT?
Not as much as I should of.

12.  Scrapbook?
Week in the Life?
One Little Word?
Project Life?
13.  Dream big and work hard to achieve?
Huge dreams.
Worked hard but could have worked harder.
14.  Blog?
Boy...not much at all.
So there ya have it.
Me checking in on myself to see how I did.
It was a good year.
I could do better.
Many discoveries have been made...
Excited about 2013 
 and the many chances given to live in the moment.
Thinking about my goals...
more about how I want to feel...
Not so many to do lists...
but definitely will make a Bucket List.

So how did you do?
I'd love to hear!