Thursday, March 11, 2010

Begin again

Oh so not a flattering photo.  I began my training on Tuesday - training for my second half marathon.  I haven't ran since October - not even a run to the mail box.  I am running a half marathon the first weekend in May.  I may be crazy.
The first run was brutal.  I ran a hilly trek through our neighborhood - ok there are only like 3 hills - but they seemed like mountains to me.  But I did it - my first run in 5 months was a hilly 3.3 mile run.  Was it fast?  Nope!  Those 3.3 miles took me 37 minutes.  That's ok - it gives me room to improve.  And really just being out there again was what it was all about.  I time myself for curiosity - I don't care how long it takes just as long as I do it.
Even though it was brutally hard at points - I forgot how great running is.  It is my time to re-center.  I dump the negative thoughts.  I count my blessings - I have so much to be thankful for.  I let all the wonderful possibilities in.  What a wonderful stress reliever it is.  So I say hello running - I've missed you. 

3.3 miles down - only 9.8 to go. 

Are you running?  Want to share your training tips or stories or mental status while running? :)  I'd love to hear!