Sunday, January 24, 2010

Life at a Glace.....

I saw this on my Char's blog (who is having a really awesome giveaway on her blog - make sure you check it out) - thought it was so cool - so I'm totally copying!

one hour ago:  I was walking through Nebraska Furniture Mart, a date of sorts for Steve and I - nice to hang out just the two of us.

one day ago:  Just sitting down for dinner at Famous Dave's.  Nice to have someone else cook. 

one week ago:  I was creating like crazy - happy with all the possibilities of art....

one month ago: I was thrilled to be in Miles City with all of my family starting the Christmas festivities. 

one year ago: Talking about planning a trip to Vegas with my sisters.  Scrapbooking a lot.  Thinking deep - trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grow up. 

one decade ago:  I was just 22 - still living in Butte, Montana married 3 1/2 years with an almost two year old and an 8 year old.  Struggling a bit with all my roles - being in college married with two kids was tough business. 
one hour from now: I will be eating dinner.

one day from now:  I will be creating something fun - because creating is where it is at.....

one week from now:  I will relaxing, enjoying the down time of the weekend with the fam....probably creating a bit more.

one month from now:  I will be trying something new - because I want to try something new every I can broaden my horizons - grow as a person.

one year from now:   I will have grown as a person, I will keep seeking and finding new ways to be a better me, I will be a little more comfortable with me....I will still be creating and loving this family like crazy. 

one decade from now: Xander will be a senior so we will be planning for that.  I could possibly be a grandma - Nanny Stacey and Papa Steve we will be, since Macey will be 27.  Connor will 22 and just finishing up college.  I will still be creating and still growing and still loving my family fiercely.

Makes me a bit sappy thinking about how quickly time has flown and will continue to fly - that is why we need to live our lives to the fullest...

Here's a reminder.....