Tuesday, December 29, 2009

And a big hello to you....

I have so neglected my blog.....poor thing...

Anywho...did everyone have a wonderful Christmas? I do hope so. We did. I love being back in Montana with family and friends. We had good travels - we beat the storms that hit the midwest - thank goodness. We are still in shock about how much snow Omaha has - it is insane - isn't Montana supposed to be the state with that much snow??? Not Nebraska. Right??? We are just so glad we left when we did - took the kids out of school two days early - best decision.
It was a very relaxing visit. Lots of good food - great talk - fun games - like spit - which is so fun with six people - oh we had fun. Taboo - what a blast that game is. Dancing and lip syncing and singing and acting crazy silly - oh and lots of name calling - right mom - so flippin funny!!!! It's so nice to be with people you feel 100% comfortable with - people that just get you...I LOVE our family. We also did some sledding at the skating rink - just like when I was little - minus the old smelly warming caboose. I think I had a much fun as the kids did. Lots of time with the little girlies. Oh and bowling which is always a good time. I don't bowl well but I always have fun and so does EVERYONE!!
Oh how I miss all these loves when I am here.
The last night we were home we made Chinese food - not an Italian feast but a Chinese feast and man was it good. Egg Rolls, Beef and Greens, Almond Chicken, and Fried Rice! YEEUUUMMM!!!
There are lots of pictures......lots and lot and lots of pictures - most of them on Dad's camera - so as soon as mom shares I will share with all of you!!!
Now we are home relaxing - the boys are excited to play with their new gifts - Xander couldn't wait to get his new lego sets built - that is all he has been doing since we got home last night. Connor playing his new video games and texting like a fiend on his new phone. Macey was excited to see her friends - she unpacked in record time just so she could go see them. Today she is already back at work as is Steve. I am pleased I have another week off! WOOHOO!!!! I think I see some scrapbooking in the plans, maybe snuggle time with Xander while watching my new Transformers 2 movie. And we should definitely sled since we have ALL this snow - I will take photos I promise.
I hope you too are having a wonderful holiday season!!!!

Warm Blessings to you!!!
