Friday, October 17, 2008

A Little Girl...

Needs our prayers, positive energies, whatever it is that you do - she needs. An online scrap booking friend, Niki, is going through some awful times. On April 29th, 2008, her daughter Ellie was diagnosed with a diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG); an incredibly aggressive and inoperable tumor in her brain stem. There is no known cure for this rare tumor and only a 10% survival rate. Ellie is 5. Ellie had a brain scan done this past week and it wasn't great news. They need a miracle. We all know the power of prayer, positive energies - if we can just take a few minutes to send it little Ellie and her family's way.

Learn what we can to do to help:
The Cure Starts Now
Tyler's Treehouse
American Brian Tumor Association